Books List for 2019-20.

Class Pre-Nursery.


  1. Bag with Kids Pride 1

Add in one Reading.

  1. Bag with Kids Pride Vol. 2

Writing and Drawing.

Nursery Class.

  1. Lustre Creative Art (B)
  2. Step Up 50-50 Rhyme and Bal Geet.
  3. Wave
  4. Add Cursive Writing A.
  5. Caral Akshar Moti.
  6. Add Wonder books of words.
  7. Add Number book 1-100.



K.G. Class.

  1. Carel Bag with Kids Pride Vol-3.

All in one Reading.

  1. Carol Bag with kids pride Vol-3.

Writing and Drawing.

Class Ist.

  1. Gen X Modern English Vol-1.
  2. Add Tips of Mathematics Vol-1.
  3. Add Colour Me Vol -1.
  4. Add English Calibre Vol-1.
  5. Student skill green Indian Vol-1.
  6. Perveshika virra paath mala.
  7. Add Aao Akar Lekhay.
  8. Carol Samarnia Hindi viakarn.
  9. Add Sughndhi Vol 1.
  10. Robin Power of Knowledge.



Class IInd.

  1. Add English Calibre Vol-2.
  2. Add Computer In Use Vol-2.
  3. Green India. Vol -2.
  4. Pervesbika Virsa Part -1.
  5. Add Sughndhi Vol-2.
  6. Robin Power of Knowledge Vol-2.
  7. Add Colour Me Vol -2.
  8. Gen X English Modern Vol-2.
  9. Add Mathematics Vol-2.
  10. Carol Hindi Grammer Vol-2.


Class IIIrd

  1. Carol Samarnia Hindi Grammer Vol-3
  2. Add Sughndhi Vol-3.
  3. Green Indai Vol-3.
  4. Add Computer in use Vol-2.
  5. Add Colour me Vol-3
  6. Robin power of knowledge Vol-3.
  7. Add Tips of Mathematics.
  8. Gen X Grammer Roots Vol-3.
  9. Gen X Modern English Vol-3
  10. Virsa Publication Vol-2
  11. Robbin Publication Grammer Vol-1.


Class IVth.

  1. Add Computer Vol-3.
  2. Add Mathematics Vol-4
  3. Green India Vol-4.
  4. Robin Power of G.K. Vol-4.
  5. Gen- X Grammer Roots Vol-4.
  6. Gen-X Modern English Vol-4.
  7. Publication Virsa Vol-3.
  8. Robin Publication Grammer Vol-2.
  9. Caro Samarnia Hindi Grammer Vol-4
  10. Add Sughandhi Vol-4.
  11. Add colour me.


Class Vth

  1. Gen –X Modern English  Vol-5.
  2. Add English Calibre Vol-5.
  3. Carol Samrniya Hindi Grammer Vol-5.
  4. Add Sughandhi Vol-5.
  5. Publication Virsa Vol-4.
  6. Robin Publication Grammer Vol-3.
  7. Add Tips of Mathematics
  8. Green India Vol-5.
  9. Add Computer in Use Vol-4.
  10. Add Colour me Vol-5.
  11. Robbin Power of Knowledge Vol-5.
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